Moving your Home Gym

You have no doubt collected many important pieces of equipment that fill your home gym. From the treadmill to the free weights, each piece of equipment has its home in your space. Moving all this equipment may seem daunting, but with the right team and packing gear it will not be a problem. Here are a few tips to moving your home gym. 


Pre-Packing: Prior to packing any of your equipment, take inventory of what you have. Maybe some pieces you just don’t use anymore or they are in a poor condition and would be better off being donated or tossed. Making these decisions now will help you determine how many boxes and people you will need to help you. Once you have narrowed down your gym, make sure to thoroughly clean each item to avoid bringing bacteria and viruses in your new home.


Free Weights: Any dumbbells, hand weights etc should all be put together by weight. When packing these items, use small boxes that will be better able to handle the weight. Wrapping each piece individually in paper or even in sweat towels will keep them from getting damaged and moving around. Label the outside with the item type as well as the weight. This will help you keep it all organized when you are unpacking. 


Elliptical- For the elliptical, disassembling it is going to be the best way to get it to your new home. Be sure to keep a labeled bag with the little bolts and screws that may come off. Pad each piece with bubble wrap to keep it safe during transit and label carefully so that in your new home you can put it together with ease. 


Treadmill- Your treadmill should be folded carefully and locked. Make sure that the wires are out of the way and take extra care around the electrical areas to make sure they do not get damaged. This piece will likely need 3-4 people to move it into the moving truck, you may want to leave this to the professionals. 


Yoga mats and other light items- Any light items like bands, jump ropes, or yoga mats can be put together in a box. Still be mindful of the weight as too many items can still create a heavy box. 


Moving your home gym or anything in your home needs to be done carefully by a team you can trust. We are a Westlake Village storage company and also movers in Burbank, offering you everything you need to keep your items safe during your move.