How to Prepare Your Furniture for Long Term Storage

Whether it is required because of a military deployment, an extended out-of-town job assignment or overseas college studies, long term storage is sometimes the best option many people have to protect and preserve their belongings. However, this is only possible when people are properly prepared as to how to store their belongings. Here are a few very important tips that will help ensure that your long term storage needs are properly fulfilled and that your items will be in good condition when you retrieve them.

  • Know that all storage facilities are not the same: All storage facilities are not created equally. There are differences between each when it comes to the security measures they take to protect your belongings, cleanliness, temperature controls, customer service, etc. Keep these issues uppermost in your mind as you begin looking for a company in which you will trust your life long possessions. Our storage and delivery service in Los Angeles offers climate controls to protect your belongings in both the short and long term.
  • Thoroughly clean and wrap your furniture for long term storage: Vacuum dust and dirt from upholstered furniture, polish wood items, etc, before putting them away. Doing this will help extend the life of your belongings.
  • Use new sturdy boxes: Your items will only be as safe as they materials they are packed in and the boxes that surround them. Therefore, when storing your possessions for the long term, do not skimp on boxes, crates, etc. Use only the best container (s).
  • Purchase travel and storage insurance just in case: If you have especially valuable items you may wish to look into purchasing additional insurance to protect them in the event of an accident. This way you will have peace of mind knowing that any items that do become lost or damaged will be
  • Have someone check in on your belongings from time to time: Appoint someone you trust to look in on your items from time to time and who will report to you if the need arises. This person should be given full access to the items you are storing.

The above tips for long-term furniture storage will help keep your belongings in excellent shape until you need them again. It will all depend on the steps you take before storing your items, the condition they were in when you placed them in storage and the company you entrust your belongings to. Our Thousand Oaks moving and storage company has a large, secure facility that you can depend upon to protect and preserve your items.