One of the most daunting parts to any move is deciding what to throw out and what to keep. You know you have to do it but let’s face it – many of us are packrats. We cling on to certain items simply because we are used to having them around. But getting rid of your excess items can make your move more organized and a lot easier for all involved. So what items should you consider getting rid of and which should you take with you? Here are a few suggestions from Russell’s Moving and Storage.
- Old, unwanted media: For many of us CDs, DVDs, Video Games, Blu-Rays and books are dust collectors. Many households can easily do without these often unwatched or unlistened to kinds of media. The good news is that if you are looking to reduce the size of your media library prior to your move there are many sites that allow you to do so. Sites like Amazon, eBay, and Craigslist are filled with potential buyers of such items.
- Outdated electronics: The rapidly changing pace of technology makes this category a no-brainer. Many of us have TVs, computers and other items around the house that are not only outdated but that are difficult to move. Why not make your move easier by getting rid of devices that will have to be replace
d any way? Charities will eagerly accept such donations.
- Old clothes: Old clothing is perhaps the most surplused item of all time. Why not donate that old coat, pair of pants, shirt, etc and at the same time receive a tax-deduction! This win-win situation helps the less fortunate and reduces the amount of items you will have to transport to your new digs.
- Gag gifts and random free promotional stuff: Yes, these items are fun to look at but like the other kinds of brickerbrack they can quickly outstay their welcome and quickly become clutter.
- Old and unused kitchenware: Do you have Tupperware, forks, knives, plates, cups, bowls or can openers that you rarely use? What about that old blender, food processor or electric can opener? Get rid of these old and unused items for a much easier move.
In short, get rid of the clutter and make your move easier and quicker. As a company that has the best moving and storage in Los Angeles, we can tell you that every little piece of clutter that you can get rid of helps. One of our other specialties is designer services in Los Angeles. For those items that you cannot afford to get rid of such as fine arts and other valuables, we offer secure delivery and storage that you can rely on.