As your premiere storage and delivery service Los Angeles we are happy
to provide full-service moving. We can pack, move, and unpack all of your
belongings at your convenience. However, there are several items you will want to
consider either tossing before your move or making other arrangements for as they
are not safe in the back of a moving truck. Below is a short list of items that you will
certainly not want to put inside our moving trucks.
1. Household Cleaners: Certain household cleaners such as bleach give off
dangerous fumes and even cause fires. Keep in mind that the back of moving
trucks can heat up rather quickly making it an unsafe environment for
flammable items.
2. Lighter Fluid: Lighter fluid is extremely flammable and could combust and
burn inside the back of a moving truck.
3. Fertilizer & Weed Killer: These items can also be considered flammable and
should not be kept in high heat enclosed environments.
4. Perishables: Frozen or refrigerated food items will not keep in the back of a
moving truck. You can consider packing up dry, sealed food products in their
own containers. However, anything perishable must be eaten or tossed prior
to moving.
5. Moving Documents: You don’t want to need to refer back to something
moving related during the process just to realize it is all packed up in the
back of the truck. Make sure you keep a separate file on hand for things like
this that you can easily refer back to.
6. Cash, Wills, Deed, Jewelry: These items are highly valuable and you likely
want to keep a close eye on them. Consider keeping these items on your
person similar to your moving documents.
If you are in need of storage and deliver service Los Angeles we would be
happy to help accommodate all of your needs. We look forward to making the
process as easy as possible for you.