Moving any amount of distance is a huge life change for every member of the family.
However, children can carry lifelong baggage due to a move that felt difficult for them. As your
local Calabasas moving and storage provider, we have helped countless families with young
children move both near and far. There are many ways that you can help prepare your children
for a move to make the process as easy as possible for them. See below for a few simple steps
that you can take to make a move easier on your child.
1. Validate their grief: Allowing your child to feel heard about their concerns regarding
leaving their home can help them cope with the change. Even a nearby move can feel
life changing to a child. As your Calabasas moving and storage provider we see the
every time.
2. Prepare them ahead of time: The more notice you can give your child to prepare for
the move the better. This will allow them the time that they need to process the
situation before it becomes a reality.
3. Let them be involved in as many decisions as possible: Even if the decisions feel small
allowing your child to feel involved in the decision-making process will help them feel
part of the big move. Being part of decisions allows children a sense of autonomy and
4. Read about it: There are many books designed for children regarding moving and what
to expect when moving. It is wise to purchase one or more of these books and read
them to your child. This will allow questions to come up and be addressed as well.