Working From Home

Most of the world continues to be impacted by the long-term impacts of
COVID19. While many of these impacts are negative, there are many that remain
positive. A significantly positive impact is the continued remote work for many
employees. As remote work has shifted from a temporary idea to a permanent, long-
term solution, employees have had to make adjustments to their homes. We are
proud to offer customized Beverly Hills storage solutions to fit all of your needs.
While making the transition to remote work you will want to set-up a
dedicated office space in your home. Many people may not already have a dedicated
space and will need to shift some things around. This is where reliable Beverly Hills
storage solutions come into play. We are happy to house your belongings for as
long as you may need whether it is long-term or short-term while you decide how
you want your home office space to function. Regardless of what you decide you will
want to have a dedicated space in your home for work so that you can feel as though
you are “at work” even while still at home. This also applies to work hours. You will
want to set dedicated working hours so that you and your co-workers know when
you are on and off the clock. Having dedicated on and off the clock hours will help
you prevent feeling like you are always working. It is easy to get caught up in mixing
work and home life and having dedicated hours will help you set yourself up for from home
If we can help assist you with any of your storage needs we would be happy
to discuss your specific situation. We are able to customize all of our solutions to fit
your needs whether it involves moving your storage items or helping you create
inventory lists we are here to help.